Module 1 - Reflective mindset: The habit to get traction
This module introduces you to the importance of reflection as an essential entrepreneurial practice and mindset. You will learn how to use reflective writing frameworks, participate in a mastermind session and track progress in achieving goals. You will learn about developing the habit of tracking progress, action items, preparing agendas and developing accountability. During the module you will:
- Use a reflective method that suits you and your goals
- Participate in a mastermind session.
Module 2 - Exploring opportunities
This module is designed to help you understand trends and shifts in industries, societies and consumer behaviour, and how to identify opportunities for innovation. You will learn various approaches to help you get to know the people you aim to serve and the challenges they are facing. If you are feeling stuck in relation to where you should begin your entrepreneurial journey, this module will help you identify a problem worth solving! During the module you will:
- Learn different methods and tools to identify opportunities
- Reflect on your experience through a mastermind session.
Module 3 - Gathering and making sense of data
This module focuses on interviewing as a technique to gather information. You will learn how to make sense of data by applying tools and methods that infer meaning and validate assumptions about customer gains and pains. During the module you will:
- Practice your interviewing skills and extract insights from data
- Reflect on your experience through a mastermind session.
Module 4 - Creating for your customer
To create a meaningful solution to a problem, you must understand the needs that underlie a person’s decision-making. In this module you will learn how to empathise with and understand customer needs and apply creative methods to generate ideas for solutions. During the module you will:
- Learn about different methods and tools used to understand people’s needs and to create ideas for solutions
- Reflect on your experience through a mastermind session.