Key benefits of this course
By the completion of this course, participants should:
- Understand the role of the BCA as it relates to large scale buildings (Class 2-9 buildings)
- Be equipped to assess large buildings as it relates to the certification process
- Have a working knowledge of the theory and practice of BCA compliance
- Be equipped to analyse performance solutions where deemed-to-satisfy requirements cannot be met
- Be able to navigate around Volume 1 of the BCA and apply it to large and complex buildings
- Be equipped to assess the fire resistance, access and egress, and services and equipment requirements for large buildings.
- Have a broad knowledge of the entire BCA including the health, amenity and energy efficiency requirements
- Be aware of key examples and worked case studies considering BCA assessment matters
- Develop the ability to research, interpret and apply the BCA for the regulation of large and complex buildings.
Digital badge and certificate

A digital badge and certificate will be awarded following the successful completion of any necessary tasks or assessments to demonstrate acquired learning of the short course or for meeting attendance and/or participation requirements.
Learn more about UTS Open digital badges.
Course outline
The following content will be covered during the course:
Session one
- Introduction to National Construction Code and Volume 1 of the BCA
- The role of building regulations and certification
- Hierarchy of legislation – where does planning legislation fit in?
- Introduction to Section A of the BCA – Governing Requirements
- The why and how of building classification
- Performance based assessments and performance solutions
- Understanding Structural Provisions – Section B of the BCA.
Session two
- Introduction to Section C - Fire Resistance in the BCA
- Understanding fire resistance and stability in Part C1 of the BCA
- Theory and practice of compartmentation and separation in Part C2 of the BCA
- Protecting openings from fire in Part C3 of the BCA
- Understanding combustible cladding issues.
Session three
- Introduction to Section D – Access and Egress in the BCA
- Getting out of buildings – Provisions for escape in Part D1 of the BCA
- Constructing exits to comply with part D2 of the BCA
- Getting into buildings – Provisions for access for people with a disability in Part D3 of the BCA.
Session four
- Introduction to Section E – Services and Equipment in the BCA
- The what, when and where of fire fighting equipment in Part E1 of the BCA
- Managing smoke inside burning buildings in Part E2 of the BCA
- Theory and practice of lift installations in Part E3 of the BCA
- Helping people evacuate through lighting and warning systems in Part E4 of the BCA
- The rest of the BCA - introduction to Sections F, G, H & J in the BCA
- Keeping people healthy in buildings using Section F (Health and Amenity)
- The leftover bits – ancillary provisions in Section G of the BCA
- Special requirements for special use buildings in Section H of the BCA
- Energy efficiency in buildings using Section J of the BCA.
Full price: $3,089 (GST-free)*
*Price subject to change. Please check price at time of purchase.
Discounts are available for this course. For further details and to verify if you qualify, please check the Discounts section.
Discounts are available for this course as follows:
- 10% discount for UTS staff, alumni and students
Discounts cannot be combined and only one discount can be applied per person per course session. Discounts can only be applied to the full price. Discounts cannot be applied to any offered special price.
How to enrol and obtain your UTS staff, alumni or student discount
Please contact the team at with either your staff or student number.
If you are eligible for a UTS alumni or student discount, please ensure you have provided your UTS student number during checkout.
If you are an alumni and have forgotten your UTS student number, email with your full name, UTS degree and year of commencement.
Delivery style
Advanced Building Regulation will be delivered as an interactive workshop consisting of an instructor-led lecture, group and individual activities. This training approach allows participants to work through concepts introduced by the trainer in an application-focused teaching environment. Participants will challenge their understanding of the concepts and consider their application once back in their individual workplace.
In-house training solutions
This course can also be customised and delivered in-house.
Enrolment conditions
Course purchase is subject to UTS Open Terms and Conditions.
Contact us
If you have a specific question on course content or requirements, please email