Key benefits of this course
This short course will enable participants to:
- Learn to program in Python to help solve data processing and machine learning problems
- Perform simple to complex calculations
- Experience data visualisation, libraries and perform simple statistical tests
- Use coding to help improve logical thinking skills and see problems from a new perspective
- Tackle any challenge including complex coding projects by breaking down the problem into smaller tasks and adopting a methodological approach.
Digital badge and certificate

A digital badge and certificate will be awarded following the successful completion of any necessary tasks or assessments to demonstrate acquired learning of the short course or for meeting attendance and/or participation requirements.
Learn more about UTS Open digital badges.
Course outline
The following content will be covered during the course:
- Introduction to Python (Installation and IPython notebooks)
- Interacting with Python
- Variables, numbers, strings, string indexing
- Print formatting
- Comparison operators and Python statements
- Comparison operators
- If-else statements
- Looping (while, for)
- List comprehension
- Dictionaries in Python
- Methods and functions
- Introduction to data visualisation and libraries.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, participants should be able to:
- Create and use IPython notebooks
- Write simple scripts in Python
- Perform simple to complex calculations
- Conduct simple data visualisation and statistical tests.
Full price: $875 (GST-free)*
*Price subject to change. Please check price at time of purchase.
Enrolment conditions
Course purchase is subject to UTS Open Terms and Conditions.
COVID-19 response
UTS complies with latest Government health advice. Delivery of all courses complies with the UTS response to COVID-19.
Contact us
For any questions on enrolment or payment, please email
If you have a specific question on course content or requirements, please